Get Access for Your Shop

Get the ultimate solution for your ASE certification needs. We have made it more affordable than ever, allowing all your technicians and service writers to get and maintain their ASE certifications easily. By keeping an account with us, you can effectively screen potential employees and avoid wasting time on technicians who only appear impressive on paper. Save up to 60% with annual shop accounts starting at just $580 for six months. Your team can benefit from full access to our extensive library of ASE tests. Pro accounts with 12-month full access are also available. Take action today! Call (844) 273-8378 and get started now!

CALL 844-273-8378 AND START TODAY!

Having Trouble Finding and Keeping Good Technicians?

Is your shop hiring new technicians? Do you require your employees to recertify or get new ASE certifications? We provide online ASE practice tests for shops and can help employees pass their ASE tests. Show your employees that you value their loyalty by helping them properly prepare. As a shop manager, you already know keeping good employees is difficult, and finding new good employees can be almost impossible. Use our tests as a pre-employment screening tool as you screen job applicants. Make them prove that they can 'walk the talk'. The best way you can build your business is by making your customers happy. Remember, happy employees make happy customers, and happy customers means more work and higher sales! Giving your technicians the access to our service shows them that you are interested in their success. Hang onto the good ones by proving you care!

Includes Weekly Activity & Readiness Reports

With our weekly reports, you'll receive a new set of PDF reports every Monday at 7 am throughout your active access period. These reports provide all the information you need to learn which employees are ready to pass an ASE test and who is not serious about certification success. Don't pay for them to take their tests until they can prove they are ready. Just open our email message and open the attached PDF reports. Learn more about our reports here.

Ensure that your team is prepared to pass their ASE tests before scheduling and paying for them. Avoid wasting time on unqualified candidates by having top prospects take practice tests through your screening account to assess their skill and interest levels quickly. Make sure your shop is staffed with technicians who hold ASE certifications in all relevant areas, and offer incentives for employees to obtain additional certifications to develop a happier and more productive team atmosphere.
ASE Test Prep weekly reports

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ASE Test Prep weekly reports

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New! eGift Cards

Even if you're not ready to purchase a shop account, buy your team eGift Card to our professional ASE prep service. Reward great performance and strengthen your relationship with your team.

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