You are purchasing our popular 180 day access plan.

Every technician understands the unwavering efficiency of our system. It's the reason they repeatedly return for their recertification tests without hesitation.

Our access plans NEVER auto renew!

There's nothing to download. Your access plan gives you online access to our entire library of Automotive ASE Certification practice tests.

Returning customers: First, log into your account to keep using your same account information. When you return to this page to complete your registration, your account information will already show on the form.

Form instructions: Complete the form and select the button beneath the Checkout Now section labeled, "CLICK ONE TIME to process your payment". Your payment will process within 30 seconds and you'll be able to log in immediately and begin studying.

IMPORTANT! Only Click The Button Once to process your payment. Then wait for the on screen message confirming your account.

Account Sharing

Account sharing is expressly prohibited. If you need multiple accounts at your location please contact us. Shop/Group accounts are available at significantly discounted rates.

Checkout Options
180 day Pro Account - $199
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Additional Info

Billing Address
Security Verification
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